
The Fourth House in Astrology

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In episode 467 astrologers Chris Brennan and Nick Dagan Best do a deep dive into the meaning of the 4th house in astrology, and examine the birth charts of more than 50 notable figures who have the ruler of the Ascendant in the 4th in order to demonstrate what the house means. 
The fourth house is traditionally said to signify topics such as: home, parents, family, private life, secrets, the past, death, and matters after death. 
We open the episode by talking about the significations of the fourth house in detail, and discussing the way that it was conceptualized both in ancient astrology and in more recent times. 
Afterwards the rest of the episode is focused on looking at examples of people who have the ruler of the Ascendant in the fourth house, and these have been arranged into groups that concentrate on specific significations associated with the 4th house. 
After that we have some brief concluding remarks before wrapping up. 
Followup Episode on the Ruler of the 4th House 
This is the first episode in a two part series on the 4th house in astrology, and part 2 will cover the ruler of the 4th house when it is placed in each of the 12 houses. 
Part 2 on the ruler of the 4th house has already been recorded, and get early access to it now through our page on Patreon: 
Research Notes PDF 
Patrons of the podcast get access to a PDF that contains our research notes and outline for this episode. 
This PDF includes a handy episode guide plus bonus content not featured in the episode. 
Become a patron of the podcast through our page on Patreon to access this: 
Nick's Website 
Structure of this episode 
Bonus content 
Significations of the 4th house 
Preliminary remarks to chart examples 
Ruler of the Ascendant in the 4th house 
Home and living situation 
Privacy, secrecy, and hidden things 
Inner world & contemplation 
The past, history, and ancestry 
Death, endings, posthumous matters 
Concluding remarks 
Watch the Video Version of This Episode 
Watch the video version of this episode on the fourth house on YouTube: 

A full transcript of this episode is available: Episode 467 transcript 
Listen to the Audio Version of This Episode 
Listen to the audio version of this episode or download it as an MP3: