«The beauty of architecture is that it’s such a broad discipline, but then the difficulty is how one does not get lost in that».
A meaty episode where Amy, Maciek and Polina talk about alternative architecture paths after university, the Bartlett School of Architecture, international job scenarios and try to work out advice on how to stay sane👀
-Non-Referencial Architecture by Valerio Olgiati - https://park-books.com/index.php?lang=en&page=books&view=co&booktype=order_1_releasedate&subject=1&artist=all&author=all&pd=pb&book=1037
-Pier Vittorio Aureli - The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture - Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_--OqbEOOfc
Gmail: archicode2019@gmail.com
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Three architecture friends