Are seed oils dangerous? Is fasting the only way to lose weight? Is the carnivore diet the best way to eat? When health and diet advice has become a minefield, Dr Sarah Berry cuts through noise
Dr Sarah Berry is a Professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at King's College London and Chief Scientist at ZOE. She is also the lead nutritional scientist on the PREDICT program, the world’s largest in-depth nutritional research programme.
In this conversation, Dr Sarah and Steven discuss topics such as, the dangers of late night snacking, the link between chewing and belly fat, how menopause affects your diet, and the truth about seed oils.
Two Decades Studying the Impact of Food on Our Health
What Is the Food Matrix and How Does It Affect Our Health?
Why Do We Need Processed Food?
When Is Processed Food Bad?
How Long Does It Take for My Brain to Realize I’m Eating?
Does the Food Industry Engineer Food to Be Highly Palatable?
The Importance of Eating Slowly
Research on Almonds and Why They Don’t Fully Break Down
The Role of Fiber in Diet and Health
Cardiovascular Disease and the Link to Unhealthy Snacks
Is There a Knock-On Effect From Having One Snack?
Does It Matter How Often We Eat?
Is Eating at Night Bad for You?
Sleep Is the Pinnacle
How to Handle Sleep When You’re a Parent
Stress and Its Effect on Eating
Sarah Still Makes Bad Choices
What Does Sarah Think of Diets?
Sarah’s Thoughts on Fasting and Calorie Restriction
What Is Social Jet Lag?
The Seed Oils Debate
The Lies About Dairy
Myths About Nuts
Other Lies We Are Told
What Is Cholesterol?
What Is a Saturated Fat?
What Foods Contain Saturated Fats?
Sarah’s Principles for Eating
Why Does Chewing More Have an Impact?
Menopause and Diet
When Do Perimenopausal Symptoms Occur?
The Confusion and Gaslighting Around Menopause
Advice for Women Going Through Menopause
Does Health Affect the Level of Symptoms in Menopause?
What Haven’t We Talked About?
How Can We Make the World Better?
Guest’s Last Question
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